Abstract art … does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead uses shapes, colors, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Paraphrase of Wassily Kandinsky, the father of abstract art.
If I had any talent, I would have been an impressionist painter. Unfortunately, all the ‘artistic’ skills went to my father, brother and sister. Impressionism is about a feeling conveyed through light and color. I often see my impressionist abstracts in water reflections, but when looking carefully, I can find them almost anywhere. It is about what you see and how you frame the image. When I am shooting, I don’t wear my glasses; my camera diopter is set for my very poor vision. Much of the time, when I am ‘looking,’ all I can see is light, patterns, texture and color. The details aren’t evident until after I take the shot, put my glasses on, and check the results. Is it okay to admit this?